In the United States, traditional metal braces cost anything from $3,000 to even $8,000, depending on the initial smile and the longevity a patient will need to wear the equipment. Of course, additional charges ensue with traditional braces, like losing a bracket or wire. With the clear alternative, however, the equipment is virtually impossible to lose, so any excess cost would be incredibly rare. Similar to traditional hardware, the price range is relatively the same. Our professionals will determine the state of your teeth, assess what needs to be done to make them perfect, decide on the necessary length of time, and configure the overall Invisalign cost.

A multitude of manners exists to pay for this procedure, which stems from its effectiveness and growing popularity. Manners to pay for this treatment include:

Insurance:Flexible Spending Account:Invisalign FAQ

  • Insurance: Typically, insurance covers around $3,000 to $3,500 of treatment. The remaining cost is usually dependent on the procedure and is the responsibility of the patient to pay. In circumstances where this procedure is medically necessary for the patient’s well-being, insurance may cover the cost in its entirety.
  • Flexible Spending Account: This is a method of payment that is included in various health benefit packages, and allows a patient to pre-tax dollars for certain medical procedures. The standard amount that this method usually covers is around $2,500 to $3,000 dollars, depending on the provider and overall care plan.

Often times, an overview of the item, procedure, cost, and testimonials are not enough for perspective patients, and we assure you that that is quite alright. Countless questions exist pertaining to this procedure, and it is important to have them answered. We hope that the following FAQs are satisfactory, but if they are not, please feel free to contact us for further assistance!

Invisalign Cost

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